Stress Awareness

Relax stone orchid



Most people will experience stress at some point in their life, but constant or extreme stress can negatively affect both the mind and body. To try and combat this, Stress Awareness Month in April aims to increase public awareness about both the causes of work-related stress and ways to spot the signs early on.

Manual worker


According to statistics published by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), work-related stress has increased for the fourth consecutive year. The negative impact is substantial, with employees missing 15.4 million days in 2017/18 – an increase from 12.5 million days reported in 2016/17. Stress is now the most common form of work-related illness, which was previously musculoskeletal disorders.

Using Solution Focused Hypnotherapy, I help my clients to make positive lifestyle changes, including support and guidance to help with reducing work-related stress.  

Office break


In support of Stress Awareness Month here are a few tips to help minimise stress in the workplace:

  • don’t wait to tackle workplace stress, take action at the first signs
  • recognise your stress triggers and talk to your employer about them
  • take breaks throughout the day
  • try out different coping strategies to find what works for you – mindfulness, breathing techniques or stretching could be helpful
  • dedicate time to relaxing outside of work to ‘switch off’

If you are starting to feel the effects of stress in the workplace, take some time out now to reduce its impact. Stress is often referred to as the “silent killer” because its effects are not immediately apparent and can lead to many serious health problems such as high blood pressure and heart disease. There are a number of resources and useful links available on the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) website.

Stress Awareness Month aims to educate people about stress, with the ultimate goal of having a positive impact on public health.

Men yoga


When you book an Initial Consultation, I provide a full explanation on how hypnotherapy works and how it may help you.

Tel: 07765 692 072