Corono Virus Covid -19 Information

In light of the recent news that has taken over all of our lives in these last few days, I wanted to send this message out to all my clients past and present with positivity and gratitude.  

We are in uncharted territory. Fear and uncertainty have a way of making us forget what’s important.

Instead of giving in to fear, we should use moments like this to give us clarity on what really matters – family, friends, loved ones, growth, mental health, and all those small things we seem to take for granted every day

Whilst I strive to keep running my practice as normal, your health and safety are my top priorities and at the heart of every decision I make. I believe it’s critical to do our part to help reduce the transmission of COVID-19. Here are some of the steps I’m  taking to protect everyone in this ever-evolving situation:


I’m following the latest UK Government information, including countries of risk and travel advice:

Latest advice from the NHS, including hand-washing advice, contact numbers and self-isolation procedures:

  • If you have recently returned from overseas or from any of the high-risk areas listed on the website within the last 14 days you are advised to self-isolate. This may mean that you will need to postpone your face to face appointment with me or arrange an online session which I will be happy to explain the process to you in detail.


  • Similarly, the Government advises that anyone that is showing symptoms of fever, a cough or shortness of breath, the individual should self-isolate, even if symptoms are mild.


  • If you identify in one of the high-risk groups, it is better to have online sessions until further notice to protect yourself.


  • I will ensure that my equipment and surroundings in my clinic are kept clean and disinfected to minimise any risks, but please feel free to decline any part of usual therapy that you are not comfortable with.


  • As an extra layer of protection during this time I will not be shaking hands, and will clean the GSR monitor that I use on the fingers, the credit card reader and the mouse for submitting your progress outcomes, between each client.


For online sessions. This can be done from the comfort of your own home using Zoom Video conferencing. It’s simple to use. I send you a link that you just click onto to use. You don’t have to ‘sign up’ or ‘subscribe’ to join the meeting.  You can access it on your laptop, phone or tablet. You just need to find a quiet area in your home where you won’t be disturbed and where you can relax in a chair or on a bed for our usual 1 hour session.

 The Government advice about COVID-19 is constantly evolving, so it would be a good idea to keep up to date by following the links, for all our safety.

My thoughts are with those who have been affected by COVID-19. Remember that even if you are not showing symptoms, you can still spread it. So, let’s not take this lightly and practice the appropriate safety guidelines and social distancing. It’s up to all of us to protect the most vulnerable.

We’ll get through this together.